Cartwheel. Like a Boss!

Shop Target

Target’s popular coupon app Cartwheel has been saving shoppers money since it was introduced in 2013. If you’re not a fan of clipping, storing or keeping track of coupons— but like to save money— maybe Cartwheel is for you.

Coupons are saved to your own personal list and retrieved using your own personalized barcode. You can load coupons by browsing deals in the app or from the web. Or you scan products as you shop with the app’s handy UPC scanner feature. When it’s time to check out the app provides a personalized barcode the cashier scans to load your coupons.

Here’s how to make the most of it.

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Improve Your Voice Mail

Making voicemail better is not something most people think about. It’s one of those ubiquitous facts of modern life and we don’t usually give it much thought. Until it screws up!

YouMailI recently purchased a new, unlocked, unbranded Android smartphone and discovered it had no voicemail app. Since the phone had no carrier associated, there was no voice mail installed at all. Most of us don’t realize the carrier adds those apps! That’s when I discovered YouMail.
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New mPro Dock Rocks

For years iBolt has been our go-to choice for vehicle docks. Their latest offering raises the bar once again!

iBoltDesigned for most devices equipped with a Micro USB charging port, the new mPro Car Dock features an integrated charger and NFC convenience to launch your favorite driving app. It also includes the iBolt super-sticky suction cup that somehow leaves no goo on the windshield). Continue reading “New mPro Dock Rocks”